
كيف تجعل أطفالك مهتمين بتعلم اللغة العربية

Hundreds of things attract your child’s attention each day. How is it possible to keep your kids interested in studying Arabic while competing with hobbies, after-school activities, friendships, video games, books, movies, and just about anything else you can think of? It is challenging but not impossible for kids to learn Arabic.


  • Motivation Motivation-980x565.png Explaining to your child why Arabic is important to you as a parent is key. Your child must first comprehend why you want them to study the Arabic language before they will be open to learning. This could be for various reasons; your background, religion, or the fact that you are living in an Arabic – speaking country.

Whatever the reason, when children are invested in their education, they will be more willing to learn, and it’ll be easier to teach them.

Talking and encouraging your child will help motivate them so they understand the rationale. Once they start learning, it will help them remember the language whenever they are exposed to Arabic, at home, or outside.

  • Make Learning a Game Make-Learning-a-Game-980x565.png Whether we like it or not, we all get bored. This happens to adults who want to learn new things so why would it be different for a child?

Mastering a language is like mastering video games! The whole process will be more pleasurable if you can help your youngster incorporate some of these techniques into their daily activities.

You can take advantage of the unique way that children learn languages by structuring their coursework as a cycle of challenges and rewards. This will maintain their interest and excitement for the upcoming assignment! Challenging them to devise ways to achieve goals will be a game they’d definitely enjoy.

  • Set Fun Goals Set-Fun-Goals-980x565.png

Who said learning can’t be fun? In the business world, objectives are usually SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely). This acronym can also be used when teaching children. Children should think that accomplishing the goal is a real challenge and that all their efforts will be enjoyable rather than tedious.


  • Mastering terminology or “lingo” used in their favorite sport or game.
  • Translating and learning catchphrases used by characters in their favorite book or movie.
  • Watching a video that introduces them to Arabic words and phrases every day.
  • Singing along flawlessly to their favorite song.
  • Word games in Arabic – such as “I Spy”.

These kinds of objectives are usually much more successful than objectives like “memorize” and rote learning.

Establish a Reward System Establish-a-Reward-System-980x565.png

Rewards are linked to goals and motivation. Once you and your child have agreed goals then think about rewards. List their extracurricular activities, hobbies, and interests. What do they enjoy doing? What are their favorite pastimes? Set a fun reward for when they make a breakthrough or advance their linguistic objectives. The possibilities are infinite and could be a new video game, more sports gear, or a special dinner at their preferred restaurant.

Every child is an individual and what works for one child may not work for another. You know what motivates your child best. However, they shouldn’t expect special treatment every time they remember a few more vocabulary words, but you do want them to realize that they have done something amazing which deserves acknowledgment.